Welcome to the home page for WeaveConvert. Take a look at What's New.

WeaveConvert is a utility for loom and hand weaving enthusiasts that allows you to transfer files between the following programs and formats (with more formats coming in the future):

WeaveConvert 1.0 Released

Version 1.0 of WeaveConvert is now available for download. 

        Download WeaveConvert 1.0 (2.22 MB)

Before you download WeaveConvert please read the License Agreement. WeaveConvert will take approximately 20 Minutes to download using a  28.8K modem. Once you have downloaded WeaveConvert you will need to use a utility like PKZip or WinZip to extract the ZIP file to a temporary directory, then run SETUP.EXE to install WeaveConvert.

If you have any question about using WeaveConvert please Email me.

WeaveConvert Screenshot

What's New

  • Due to limited time on my part and the increasingly wide support for .WIF files in weaving software development of future versions of WeaveConvert has been put on hold.  Please feel free to contact me with questions.

April 5, 1999

  • Initial beta testing on Fiberworks DTX file import/export begins. If you would like to help test the DTX conversion please email me.

February 3, 1999

  • The WeaveConvert Website moves to it's new permanent home at eatough.net.

July 20, 1998

  • WeaveConvert 1.0 is Released.  Includes support for Patternland 5.x, Fiberworks 3.x, and WIF formats.




All contents © Copyright 1998-1999 Mitch Eatough